If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you can begin to take steps to establish good oral health for you and your child. It is important to have a dental exam to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. The bacteria in your mouth can affect your unborn child. Once your child is born, the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease can be passed easily from you to your child. Start developing a healthy smile by scheduling a dental check-up today! Read More http://www.aapd.org/media/Policies_Guidelines/G_PerinatalOralHealthCare.pdf

Your oral health during pregnancy:

Before Pregnancy:

  • Establish and maintain good home care and regular dental visits
  • Increased hormones released when you get pregnant can make your teeth and gum tissue extra sensitive.

1st Trimester:

  • tell your dentist you are pregnant
  • check with your dental insurance to see if you are eligible for additional cleanings during your pregnancy
  • changes in your hormone levels can cause your gums to become inflamed and puffy, Pregnancy Gingivitis
  • bland toothpaste and mouth rinses can help to avoid morning sickness
  • rinse your mouth out frequently if you are suffering from morning sickness
  • your dentist may recommend a fluoride rinse to use while pregnant
  • use a soft toothbrush and a small toothbrush to prevent vomiting
  • DO NOT brush right after vomiting. A change in the pH of your mouth means that you can damage your enamel if you brush right away, wait a few minutes and rinse your mouth with water.
  • If necessary, x-rays and dental treatment can be accomplished safely during pregnancy.

2nd trimester:

  • avoid sugary snacks even though you might be craving them
  • maintain a healthy diet with plenty of vitamin c, calcium, vitamin b12 – these all help to build healthy teeth for your baby.
  • Refrain from bleaching your teeth. There is no evidence that suggests that it may harm your baby but most dentists still discourage it.
  • Sometimes people may get small temporary tumors in their mouth or cheeks while pregnant. This is referred to as Pregnancy Granuloma.
  • Baby teeth begin to develop 3 months into pregnancy and your diet and medications affect their development.
  • Avoid certain medications such as antibiotics because they can stain your baby’s teeth

3rd trimester:

  • avoid dental treatments during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy
  • remain diligent about home care – flossing and brushing
  • schedule a dental appointment for after the baby is born.

Nursing/ Post- Partum:

  • See your dentist soon after delivery for exam
  • Postpone major dental work until this time
  • X-rays, local anesthetic and nitrous oxide are all safe while breastfeeding
  • Begin brushing your baby’s teeth with a soft toothbrush and water when they come in.